Paul Zierep, Engy Nasr (Bioinf): Microbial data analysis using the Galaxy framework - from a general overview to a foodborn pathogen detection use-case.
Eva Kohnert (IMBI): Employing real and synthetic data to benchmark differential abundance tools for microbiome sequencing data and to derive implications for data analysis.
Christopher Krolla (IBSM): Estimation of the Tumor Microenvironment in Histology Images for PDAC.
Eva Brombacher, Jonatan Menger (IMBI): Optimizing omics analysis workflows based on data characteristics.
Anselm Hoppmann (IBSM): Towards a harmonized NGS analysis platform.
Krutika Pandit (NYU Langone Health, US): Self-supervised Learning Applied to Kidney Histomorphology in Whole Slide Images.
Carlos Alfonso-Gonzalez (MPI): Sites of transcription initiation drive mRNA isoform selection.
Jan Krumsiek (Weill Cornell Medicine, NY): Novel statistical approaches for the analysis of metabolomics data.
Bioinformatik-Club, Institute of Genetic Epidemiology & IMBI.