Organizers: Clemens Kreutz (IMBI)
Anna Köttgen (GenEpi), Harald Binder (IMBI), Rolf Backofen (Bioinf), Thomas Manke (MPI-IE) and Melanie Börries (IBSM)
The Bioinformatics Club serves as a platform for the scientific exchange between people working in (medical) bioinformatics and related fields of medicine and statistics of the Medical Center - University of Freiburg, associated institutions, the 11th Faculty and the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics.
At monthly meetings, methods, software, analytical challenges and potential solutions - especially in the context of high-dimensional data such as genome sequences - are presented and discussed.
Contact for topics, organisational stuff, proposals etc.: Eva Kohnert
If you want to get added to the mailing list, please contact us by providing information on your background and working field/group.
Additionally, we have a mailing list for announcements and exchange of ideas and tips (if you are already subscribed: use this link to write to the list).