Jochen Knaus (IMBI): Research Data Management - the Medical Faculty perspective and support.
Henrik Heiland (Neurochirurgie): Multiomic reconstruction of spatiotemporal architecture of malignant brain tumors.
Björn Grüning / Dirk von Suchodoletz (Bioinf, AG Grüning): bwSFS and de.NBI cloud: Large scale storage and compute research infrastractures.
Dirk von Suchodoletz (Bioinf, AG Grüning): The past, the present and the future of Data Management in Freiburg.
Stefan Günther (Inst für Pharma Wiss): Automated recognition of functional compound-protein relationships in literature.
Francesco Ferrari (MPI, Bioinf): DOT1L-Dependent Epigenetic and Transcriptional Dynamics During in-vitro Neuronal Differentiation.
Pascal Schlosser (GenEpi): The UK Biobank and what you can do with it.
Matthias Wuttke (GenEpi): Combining scRNA-seq and GWAS data to identify trait-specific cell types.
Geoffroy Andrieux: Detection and quantification of chromosomal aberrations derived from CRISPR-Cas activity using CAST-Seq, a novel preclinical genotoxicity assay.
Bioinformatik-Club, Institute of Genetic Epidemiology & IMBI.