Clemens Schächter (AG Prof. Dr. Harald Binder: Knowledge Discovery Synthesis) - Enhancement of network architecture alignment in comparative single-cell studies
Noah Hollmann (AG Hutter: Machine Learning Lab) - TabPFN: A Foundation Model for Accelerating Data Analysis
Bas E. Dutilh, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena: Mapping the Microverse and modelling its drivers
Nora Scherer and Daniel Fässler: Integrating exome-wide statistical screening and constraint based modeling to understand gene-metabolite relations via whole-body models of human metabolism.
Derek Spieler (AG Molekulare Psychosomatik): Integration of biological clock as marker of mental disorders.
Eva Kohnert (IMBI): Advancing the Principles of Benchmark Studies: Validating Experimental Results with Synthetic Data for 16S Microbiome Data.
Tobias Hohl (MPI): Sample handling in scATAC-seq and astrocytogenesis – two single-cell stories.
Alan Rubin (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourn, Australia): Analyzing and Sharing Data from High-throughput Mutagenesis Experiments.
Bioinformatik-Club, Institute of Genetic Epidemiology & IMBI.